Life is Messy
Life is messy… We make it so
Be it changes, actions, emotions… like it or not
it’s almost like we need these contrasts
In order to feel… To feel alive
Rationally speaking, isn’t it necessary?
To clean up… to simplify… to tidy… to spark joy…
you need a mess, to begin with
To learn true happiness… grief and sufferings are essential
The paradox of life is to realise
pain does not contradict the presence of happiness
Separation does not contradict love
Death does not contradict the living
We smile when we are sad
We cry when we are happy
We learn love when we lose
We see the value of living in the face of death
So, breathe when life is messy
We also breathe when life is simple
Rejoice when life is messy
Rejoice when life is simple
The depth of life lies in the gentle holding
of paradoxes and contradictions
Let go of trying to make things happen…
or trying to make things unhappen
you and I
at ease